(The following article is reprinted by popular request from the Jan 22, 1971 issue of Muhammad Speaks.)
The so-called American Negro needs self-education and the education of others in order to the respect of others. He is not independent. He does not own any land that he can call his own.
HE DOES NOT have an organized government of his own; he needs even more than equal education. He needs a superior education to that which is ruling the nations of the earth today.
IT IS ESSENTIAL for a nation-if they want recognition– to be united and to enjoy self-control and in a country of their own.
We call this independence. Now, we do not have self-education, self-control, or a country-not even some of this earth that we can call our own. We need a superior education in order to achieve the respect of others who are now enjoying such recognition.
THE MOST ESSENTIAL qualification is the art of practicing that which we need in order to be accepted.
Cleanliness, inwardly and outwardly, is number one on the list. Manners, along with general moral aspects, are second. The so-called American Negroes’ warped minds and disrespect of self is one of the main objections of the self-respected societies.
There are no members of an educated and clean self-respecting society who want their society disgraced by a member who has ill and disrespecting morals.
THE SO-CALLED American Negroes (the majority of us) have been reared by southern white people who have the most profound hatred and dislike for us. And, this being true, they have made us (just as they did our foreparents) a degree below nothing for the last 400 years
At the same time, they frightened the so-called American Negro slaves to such a degree, they have no hope of ever being recognized authorities among themselves.
They try to please the same white people as did our fathers under servitude and slavery. Whether this ‘please’ is for or against them, they will do it, because they fear the white man. We must remember that the Bible closes with announcing this fear in Rev. 21:8.
OUR people are afraid of the slave-master and his children, afraid to displease them in their dislike of the salvation that has to come to the slave, and God (Allah) has not offered the same to them (the slave-master and his children).
THE SO-CALLED Negro, who tries to please his master, displeases himself. He would to see the Hereafter and live in a kingdom ( a government) of peace and security, but he would not like to accept any such glory if this acceptance is not like by the slave-master.
Therefore, he suffers the consequences of the slave-master’s children, which is referred to in Re. 19:20 under the name, beast (clearly symbolized as human beings in Rev. 19:19)
Those who refuse (of the so-called NEGROES) TO ACCEPT God (Allah) as their King, and the people of God (Allah) as their brothers and nation will suffer the destruction of hell-fire with the enemies.
YOU MUST WASH and be clean as Isaiah 1:16 warns you. Proverbs 30:12 specifies us as a generation not washed. Hebrew 10:22 makes mention that it is necessary that our bodies be washed with pure water to enter into the recognition and respect of God (Allah).
Revelations 1:5 reads in a parable of Jesus, who will wash us inwardly, but from our sins. I want you to remember this does not the Jesus who was here 2,000 years ago.
It means a Jesus at the end of the time. One whom Jesus prophesied God would send under the title of a Comforter (in the Bible) and as Ahmad in the 61st Chapter of the Holy Quran.
ELIJAH MALACHI had to first come and wash and clean up a people and make them self-respecting s that God would accept them in His presence.
So, if we want white or Black to respect us, we must be clean and wash ourselves of the filth in and out. No self-respecting nations will accept you as you are today, because of your ill-mannered behavior.
Elijah Muhammad
Messenger of Allah
To you all.
"The so-called American Negro needs self-education and the education of others in order to the respect of others. He is not independent. He does not own any land that he can call his own. HE DOES NOT have an organized government of his own; he needs even more than equal education. He needs a superior education to that which is ruling the nations of the earth today.IT IS ESSENTIAL for a nation-if they want recognition– to be united and to enjoy self-control and in a country of their own. We call this independence."
The NBC Foundation and Membership:
A Universal Islamic Brotherhood was re-established in North America between Master Fard Muhammad and Messenger Elijah Muhammad in such a manner that it will never be diminished again. Its ranks are open to all Men who claim and actively work to show and prove their love and belief in Master Fard Muhammad, Messenger Elijah Muhammad, and the Mathematical Theology they Teach and Manifest, including the Prime Directive that the Black Man is God.
This Brotherhood has as its members all of the Prophets, Messengers, Angels, and Scientists, and the 5% Poor Righteous Teachers, past, present, and future. A great and mighty force protects this wonderful collective of Muslim Men and their Brotherhood.
As such, there is a fundamental requirement that we find and maintain a seat at the "Round Table of Unity" to insure the functional and harmonious development of each organized Righteous Manifestation of our Nation.
Each Sunday morning at 9am EST, the National Brotherhood Conference of The Nation of Islam is open for business.
To participate, contact us here
Allah (God) has come to unite us. We, the Black People in America, must unite. But Unity only comes on the acceptance of Islam. Without Black Unity, we have no power regardless of how great in numbers we may be.
Divine Wisdom of God is what puts us on the path to ascend to the heights that He Has Vouched for as being safe for us. Allah (God) Has Given to us Islam that we may be successful in the knowledge of self, and the doing for self with His Guidance.
For the first time, Islam, the True Religion of Allah (God) Is Being Offered to us, the Black People in America, by Allah (God) Himself, Who Came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom Praises are due forever. We came from righteousness by nature, but we were deceived by the enemy of righteousness (devil).
As mortar cements and ties brick and stone together into one wall or building, so has Islam come with the love of Black Brother for Black Brother, in order to unite us so that we will become one -- one in the power of good and Unity.
In Islam, Allah (God) Offers to take off the Yoke of bondage to satan, the devil, and the chains of slavery and give to us the key that will always be available to us -- a key that can keep us out of the prison cells of satan, the devil.
Islam is only entire submission to the Will of God. There are other precepts of Islam that have been made into volume of books, but the main principle of Islam is for you and me to bow to the Will of God and do His Will.
We have been faithful in bowing to the devil’s evil will. But now we must bow to the Will of the God of Truth, Righteousness, and Justice, or be removed from the planet earth.
The light of Truth has come to us in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, God in Person, to Whom Praises are due forever. It is prophesied in the Bible, Is. 60:1,2..."Arise and shine, for the light has come." This is the first time that the Light of truth, the knowledge of self, and the knowledge of the enemy of self, and God, Has Been Made Manifest. This is also the first manifestation of the cause of the spiritual darkness that we have lived in for the past six thousand (6,000) years.
The whole world of Black Man which has slept for the past six thousand (6,000) years, under the rule of our enemies (devil white race) needs external washing as well as internal spiritual cleansing. We can find the Black Man living in slum-like conditions throughout the world. To be deprived of the knowledge of self for four hundred (400) years is a long time, but six thousand (6,000) years is even longer.
God referred to this internal and external cleansing in these worlds (Mal. 3:3..."He shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver. He shall purge the priesthood of the people that they may offer unto the Lord an offering in righteousness." Islam comes to reform the so-called Negro and to save him from God’s destruction of the enemy devil.
Islam, if carried into practice by you and me, will eradicate all such things as slums because it is people who create slums. When we ask other people to clean up our own filthy houses, we are disgracing our own intelligence and decency.
But the sense of dignity that Islam puts into us forces us to qualify ourselves in intelligence and dignity and to remain qualified. This is the qualification that we need.
Islam qualifies us to return to the Nation of Islam, to which we belong by nature, but from which we were deceived, and brought out of by the devils.
Allah (God) Has Chosen us to Guide us to Himself and to Make of us a nation superior over the present nations -- to make us the head, and no longer the tail.
Islam is the Great Wisdom that Allah (God) Promised us through His Prophets. Islam is the Religion of Allah (God) and of the Black Man. Islam is the religion of Jesus and of the prophets before Jesus, and the prophets after Jesus, according to the Bible and the Holy Qur’an.
Allah (God) Could Not Change His Religion, Islam, because one would want to know why He Changed it. Allah (God) Created Himself and He Chose From Himself Islam. Therefore, by nature, He Created Himself, The God of Islam. Islam has not changed since the Creation. Islam always was. It is our religion and He Will Not accept another religion.
"But our poor Black mothers and fathers, who were deceived by this devil John Hawkins and his lies and empty promises, didn’t have the slightest idea that their coming here to be sold into slavery could create a problem that would take Almighty God Allah Himself and the righteous nation of Islam to solve, and that this problem would be solved at the end of the time of their archdeceiving enemies (the devils). That time has arrived. 1914 was the year. But as long as you stay asleep from lack of knowledge about yourself you are extending the life of them. They can continue to live only as long as you remain mentally dead to the knowledge of yourself and the devils."