Reprinted from the January 26,1973
edition of Muhammad Speaks Newspaper
"Re-education of the Black Man of America is a MUST so that he can qualify to do something for self. The "up-from-slavery" education that the white man has given his once slave is not sufficient to set him free from his slavemaster; because it is in the favor of the slave master to keep him in the power of the white man's civilization. Think it over.
THE BLACK MAN has never been taught the knowledge of self. He is totally robbed. Robbing a man of the knowledge of self is the worst sin that could be committed on any human being. It is bad enough to treat an animal like that. But, this is just what has happened to the once Black Slave. So, a re-education is a must. He cannot join onto his own Black kind without the knowledge of His Black kind. He must know the time and change that is now in the workings. He must know who has the Power of this change of worlds. He cannot build a future with white people in his mind.
He has to study for self; because, after this war, we will have a change of worlds and a new Ruler. Re-education to qualify the Black Man for the new world and even to leave the old world is a must. It is a shame to observe the type of knowledge that the Black Man of America displays. And, the greatest percentage is indecency.
So careless and thoughtless of self, they live in unclean homes and are, themselves, unclean for years. They must wash themselves up internally and externally, as well, to join on or become members of the best societies of the Nations of the earth. Some of them are so hardened to this way of life that is unpleasant to know or look at, that one wonders can American Black Men qualify to become members of the better peoples of society, or the peoples of the earth. But, they can.
THEY are a bit lazy, too. This must be routed from them. Up, you mighty sleeping giant, the lion of the Nations. Shake yourself. Put on the garment of strength and power that Allah is offering you through these Great Revelations that are now coming to me from Him.
(emphasis mine JHK)
"Of all the knowledge that one may have or obtain, the knowledge of God is the greatest and the most necessary of all knowledge. I would say that 98% of the people of the earth are without knowledge of the God, the Supreme Being.
The Christians and most of the old world Muslims are alike; not having a true knowledge of the Supreme One, referred to as Allah, and God makes most people believe that God is something other than a man.
Looking at God’s creation ( the universe) and His creatures without number and unlimited, we have never been able to obtain the knowledge of just how God created the Universe and Himself.
We have never known where He Himself began or who was first, God or the Universe? Just who is God? What is He? Is He of the essence of this universe or some invisible power, spirit, or force that has no equal comparison in His creation?
The knowledge of God has been kept a secret by twelve men on our planet for many thousands of years. The twelve pass their knowledge on from son to son, but the number possessing this knowledge is never more than twelve; and they are not to ever reveal it.
The wisest of scientists have worked, studied, and searched all their life long for the actual knowledge of God and have failed to obtain it. Finally, they formed their own opinions of God.
Many claim that there is no such one (God) and that the Creation of the Universe came by chance. Man’s creation, they say, took place from some lower form of animal life of the sea. But they are never able to prove such theories. There, the people formed their own ideas of God, for they had no true knowledge of God."
QUESTION: Have you designated a successor for yourself?
MESSENGER MUHAMMAD: I do not do that. I cannot do that. I did not choose myself. God chose me and if He wants a successor, He will choose that one.
QUESTION: By what means would someone come up?
MESSENGER MUHAMMAD: I do not know that, because I do not believe there is one coming up. The work that I am doing, I don’t think God needs one, because when man and god have come face to face, as the old saying goes, then that is the end of it. When we are face to face with God, that is the end of it and so what would another one do? There is nothing for him to do.
QUESTION: After you are gone, Mr. Muhammad, the Nation of Islam will continue to exist but how?
MESSENGER MUHAMMAD: It will be a New Islam to what the old Orthodox Islam is, today. It will be altogether a New One.
QUESTION: You mean your successor will preside over a New Islam?
MESSENGER MUHAMMAD: There will be no successor. There is no need for a successor when a man has got the Divine truth and has brought you face to face with God.
QUESTION: How will your resources be administered?
MESSENGER MUHAMMAD: That will be carried on by the Nation. After setting up the Nation on the right way, or right path to take care of themselves, they do not need any more instruction on that. They will follow it as the Constitution of America has been followed.
QUESTION: Will it be run by local Mosques?
MESSENGER MUHAMMAD: No, No, No. After this, the whole entire Nation of Black people will be governed Divinely and the government will be a Divine government and not something that is governed locally, like we have today. We will have a Divine government set up for us, and it will stand forever. We will not need any change.
QUESTION: What did you mean, " new different from Orthodox? "
MESSENGER MUHAMMAD: I meant just that. We have a New Islam coming up. The Old Islam was led by white people, white Muslims, but this one will not be. This Islam will be established and led by Black Muslims, only.
"A FAST should be from two (2) to three (3) days without eating food. If we are seeking spiritual advancement, we should fast for three days. IN the case of Orthodox Muslims worshipping Ramadan by not eating until after sunset, and darkness approaches (they can eat all night long if they want to, until the next morning at dawn) - they call this a FAST!
THEY say that they do this in the Month of Ramadan because Ramadan is the month in which the Holy Qur-an was revealed to Muhammad.
BUT, the way that I understand scripture, it teaches us that Muhammad received the Holy Qur-an over a period of twenty-three (23) years.
MUHAMMAD did not receive the Holy Qur-an in one night or in one day. And, if he received the whole Holy Qur’an in the month of Ramadan, WHY FAST in that month?
IF we are given what we want (Holy Qur’an) in that month, without FASTING, I cannot understand why we should FAST in the month of Ramadan, for the first revelation of the Holy Qur’an was already given in that month, without FASTING.
IT would look more proper for us to be rejoicing over the great salvation (Holy Qur’an) that Allah (God) sent to us, in the month of Ramadan.
If you can convince me it is necessary to Fast in the month of Ramadan because of Muhammad receiving the Holy Qur-an, or the first revelation of the Holy Qur-an, then I will go along with it. However, since the Qur-an was received over a period of years, I am very much baffled in trying to understand why we should FAST in the month of Ramadan.
WE should be rejoicing because of receiving the Holy Qur’an and we should teach others to rejoice throughout the month of Ramadan, if it is because the Holy Qur’an was revealed in that month.
OF COURSE, this is the Arab way, in their religious belief, that they should FAST. But I do say that it is not necessary to FAST to get something that you have already received."
"I want us to remember that Allah has established His Self among you and me. And give you a Flag representing your freedom. And that you are justified to be free. Now if He has given to you a flag and that you are justified in having that flag to lift up to the people of earth, let us show the people of earth that we can do something for self. We've got the greatest flag ever been raised by any man!
We must remember that the fault is not on the slave master anymore, since he said you can go free. And we see, today, he is not hindering us. In fact, it's we hindering ourselves." circa February 26, 1974
"This is the end of the white man's world. It could be the end of the Blackman's world if he wants to sit down and do nothing. Naturally you will soon come to an end if you don't do something for yourself. That is if no one else is not doing it for you."