Introspection is defined as: the examination or observation of one's own mental and emotional processes.
Though we all have various systems of how we comprehend the truth, we all should take great care in analyzing the Truth, not just from looking from the outside in. We should all take the time and look carefully from the inside out. The great Wisdom of Allah (God) is a very complex Mathematical Theological expression; it is that some of its verses are decisive and others are allegorical (See Holy Quran Sura 3:7). Due to our being raised in religious thinking, we often proceed from the base of what we attained and retained from our former slave-masters.
Well, Elijah Muhammad, Last Messenger of Allah could only speak as all the previous Prophets, Messengers and Apostles, in that he too buried so much Wisdom to be dug out and applied according to the Time. Elijah said without knowledge of the time, we still would be the loser (see TO GAIN A PLACE IN THE SUN).
Far too many times, we overindulge in our Supreme Wisdom (truth) and this overeating causes us to not receive the medicinal properties in it. In the Book, HOW TO EAT TO LIVE Book One, Messenger Muhammad wrote an article titled, "OVERINDULGENCE, THE ENEMY". In it, he said "Yes, a quick trip to the cemetery if we indulge in too much of anything. It becomes an enemy to us." Elijah Muhammad, Last Messenger of Allah was much more than what we think in regards to his position as The Teacher of Islam. Due to our inability to reason, unbeknowst to us, we often make futile attempts to reduce The Messenger to our own illiteracy. A great Teacher, always leave the necessary trail for his active Students to learn more as their deeds began to line up with their words. Our failure up to this moment has manifested in us a most incompetent array of failures, though we somehow believe otherwise. Islam, is Truth and our salvation. Our salvation is conditional, depending upon our total submission to Master Fard Muhammad, Allah who came in Person. That was the purpose of His coming!
Many people utter the words, "I have the books, tapes and videos by the Messenger and do not need anything or anyone else." I say, you may read, listen to, write and speak Islam, but that does not mean that you understand what you read because the reader never apply the truth to himself/herself.
Below is an example:
"IT IS FAR MORE IMPORTANT TO TEACH SEPARATION OF THE BLACKS AND WHITES IN AMERICA THAN PRAYER. Teach and train the blacks to do something for self in the way of uniting and seeking a home on this earth that we can call our own!" page 204 Message To The Blackman In America
9. Why does the Devil teach the eighty-Five Percent that a mystery God brings all this?
Ans. To conceal the True God, which is the Son of man, and make slaves out of the 85% by keeping them worshipping something he knows they cannot see (invisible) and he lives and makes himself rich from their labor.
The 85% knows that it rains, hails and snows; also, hears it thunder above his head, but they do not try to learn who is it that causes all this to happen-by letting the 5% teach them. He believes in the 10% on face value.
We know that Separation is the only solution. We know that unity is a must. We know that the acquisition of land is vital to our being able to survive here in Babylon. We know it all, but somehow, still do not believe it. Well, how can you know a thing is true and still disbelieve in that thing? "but they do not try to learn who is it that causes all this to happen-by letting the 5% teach them."
The 85% is described in detail as "The uncivilized people; poison animal eaters; slaves from mental death and power, people who do not know the Living God or their origin in this world, and they worship that they know not what--who are easily led in the wrong direction, but hard to lead into the right direction."
Brothers and sisters, I think it is incumbent upon us who believe to reassess our thinking process and position in this time. Our collective failure to obey Allah and The Messenger, if not checked, will bring into existence our demise and blot out the great future for our generations to come.
As Salaam Alaikum
Brother Jasir H. Khabir
Teacher of Islam
You read about it, but you were unable to understand what you read." Elijah Muhammad, Last Messenger of Allah
circa June 4, 1972
Brother Jasir Khabir: How To Identify The Poison Animal Eater
In the Name of Allah, who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad to whom all Praise is forever due, and in the Name of His Last and Greatest Apostle and Messenger, The Great Elijah Muhammad;
As Salaam Alaikum
In the teachings of Islam, Messenger Elijah Muhammad was able to devise a Language for over forty-three and one-half years, that directly spoke to our Separation from the enemy, the Devil (white man). According to the dictionary the word devise is defined as a plan or invent (a complex procedure, system, or mechanism) by careful thought.
“In order to build a nation you must first have some land. From our first generation of slaves to the present generation of our people, we have been unable to UNITE and ACQUIRE some land of our own due to the mental poisoning of our former slave-masters, who destroyed in us the desire to think and DO FOR SELF AND KIND.”Elijah Muhammad, Last Messenger of Allah (emphasis mine)
This is what makes such an unlearned but highly humble man a giant and Genius, in the way of presenting Allah’s (God) word to His people, who at times past were not even considered a people (I Peter 2:9). He was given an Examination in the early 1930’s and this examination represents what is known as the Supreme Wisdom. Far too many of us find ourselves being stuck in the religion of The True and Living God because we fail to comprehend how to properly navigate ourselves into the reality of Allah’s (God) will. In other words, my beloved brothers and sisters, we have not been able to make a distinction between the two, and then see the beauty of enjoining them both. This is because we have been speaking, writing and hearing other than our own Language. Due to this flaw in our comprehension, we find ourselves trying to uphold our religious beliefs in the way of rituals and whatnot, because this is what religious people do best! Without understanding what happens, we continue to become victimized due to our own failure to deal in the reality of Allah and His Messenger. This is how the devil keeps us illiterate, in addition to using us for his tool and mental slaves. We find ourselves desiring to listen to those who are here on the scene to tickle our ears and as such, we reject sound doctrine (2 Timothy 4:3) in this day and time. Without an understanding of Time, our ability to grasp Language will forever be so fleeting and elusive. Beloveds, this brings on us a form of mental confusion and an abundance of misunderstanding.
We do not realize that in our failure to grasp the Language properly, we make and bring rain, hail, snow and Earthquakes right under our feet. One of the things we must understand is that when we attempt to make Allah and His Messenger out to be liars, either through our ignorance or our outright rejection, then mental confusion commences to sit in; it is then that we bring this right on ourselves. This easily occurs when we refuse to change our way of thinking and submit our will totally to the Will of Allah, who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, by obeying Messenger Elijah Muhammad. When we as a people begin to take serious about the Study of that which we claim to believe in, we will then learn how critical the Language of Allah through His Messenger really is to our ultimate survival and victory over the enemy of our salvation. Brothers and sisters, with all due to respect to our religious beliefs, Islam is not a religion, but was given to us as a religion. So, Messenger Muhammad in his presenting the solution to the problems between the Black and white people, he was able to properly use the Language of religion to first get us acquainted with Islam. As he was gradually moving about in the land and growing the Black man and woman in stages of development, he always made it known how important Land is to our Salvation. He also had to know that we as a people would have a difficult time accepting the reality of what we should do in the way of separation from the white man. Like a loving Mother, he carefully nourished our minds and hearts and begin to change the people’s way of thinking, by cleaning his people up morally and at the same time presenting us with religious decrees based on the Laws of Islam. His Mission was to clean us up, make us fit to rule ourselves and live with Allah (God). Brothers and sisters, Mr. Muhammad was not held responsible for our belief! He was the only man held responsible for getting us the Truth from Allah (God), who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad.
Let us take a closer look at the Bible in the book of Deuteronomy 18:18. It reads “I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him.”
Now, if we pay attention with humility and a willing mind open to learn, we can clearly see that that which Messenger spoke were the words of Allah Himself. Allah, who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, to whom all Praise is forever due, put his words in the mouth of this great, mighty and humble servant, Elijah Muhammad. However, brothers and sisters, we must ask what exactly is the Language that Allah spoke and the Language that Messenger Muhammad heard? What Language did Messenger Muhammad comprehend? And more importantly, what Language did he present to his people? The answer is The Supreme Wisdom or The Mathematical Theology. What does mathematics have to do with theology, you may ask? Brothers and sisters, this is our problem to solve today; it is trying to figure out this Language that we may able to use it build a heaven on Earth for ourselves. In order to build said heaven rooted in Freedom, Justice and Equality, we must understand the importance of Land in our march towards independence. Messenger Muhammad said there can be no freedom without a people having their own land, and because of our focus on the religion we miss the importance of the reality of Land. Why is that? Because the devil destroyed in our minds that we can go for self and build a world of our own and we will not allow the 5% poor Righteous teachers to teach us on the reality of Allah. This brothers and sisters, as I said earlier is bringing about our mental illness. This illness is very alarming in our community and it is incumbent that we stop to analyze what it is we believe in. We are not able to hide behind our religious facades and pious worship today. No, brothers and sisters, the Book of Matthew (24th chapter) clearly describes the conditions in which the Son of Man comes to us here in America. “But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” The Son of Man is no other than Allah, who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad. Allah did indeed put his words in the mouth of one risen from us in Elijah Muhammad. This Son of Man is here today for the express purpose of destroying the old world of rulership and bringing into existence a New World and civilization.
Messenger Elijah Muhammad, in an article wrote these words of warning to the black man in America:
“All the mighty men of science and modern warfare have been called in an effort to devise instruments and weapons against God and the armies of heaven. The nations of the earth are angry. The disbelievers and hypocrites of my people also are angry over the change of the old world to a new world of justice and righteousness, causing much spiritual darkness and misunderstanding to fall upon them.”
Brothers and sisters, we can bear witness that mental confusion is all throughout our communities here in America and the people who feels it the most are our young black brothers and sisters. In almost every school in America, our children are being ambushed with an array of the wrong mental health professionals, who are just as blind, deaf and dumb as they are. Listen to me well, if we are not able to provide the correct intellectual Language tools for our young people, we will be throwing ourselves into the brink of the fire of hell, without a future.
The only remedy to this ailment is SEPARATION- Freedom and Independence. There can be no freedom and independence without a people having land that they can call their own. History (time) is made by the original people based upon the amount of land they own. The circumference of the Earth is 24,896 miles (we round it off to 25,000), and the Black man, wise man of the East makes history to equal to his home circumference, a year to every mile. What is taking place in the various inept black people's social circles is that we are rejecting the notion of making history, by trying to live in a time (history) that has already expired.
Messenger Muhammad emphatically taught that without the knowledge of the time, one still is the loser.
Time is defined as the measured or measurable period during which an action, process, or condition exists or continues, a nonspatial continuum that is measured in terms of events which succeed one another from past through present to future.
We must be able to speak our Language in the proper term, that is past, future and present perfect tense. If we are not able to speak the Language according to the time, we are relying upon Baby Language, which houses it’s own set of rules of Divine Punishment and chastisement.
To the Black Muslims of today, 1931-1975 is over and there's nothing that can be done to bring it back. Even those of you who are trying to re-enact the various black movements of the past, you too are pathetically confused about this history Lesson on Time. You all are bewildered because you refused to do one simple thing, that is to get with the Program of Separation from our enemy. Messenger Muhammad said SEPARATE AND BE SAVE. He said SEPARATION OR DEATH as well and that we MUST separate or be without a future. When we reject this divine call from the teachings of Allah (God), put into the mouth of His Last Messenger, then this is the beginning stages of our mental death!
Taking this into consideration, to the very few of you who desire to get out of the sickness, you must make haste to get acquainted with Islam, as taught by Messenger Elijah Muhammad. Mr. Muhammad, over a period of four decades, presented a Divine Program and plan to overcome our collective enemy. Why not work hard and unite in this most sensible plan from the mouth of Allah through His Messenger, and acquire some land that we can call our own, to build a civilization that Allah demands, instead of sitting at home waiting for the so-called mystery god to come and build us a place?
To get information about our work in the Divine Program of Islam and learn more in depth knowledge of The Supreme Wisdom of Allah Master Fard Muhammad, through His Messenger Elijah Muhammad, please attend our meeting at The Do4Self Academy Temple of Islam each Sunday afternoon at 2:00 PM via our Virtual programs on Facebook Live or conference call line at 712-770-4598 access code 392960#.
As Salaam Alaikum
Brother Jasir Hassan Khabir
Teacher of Islam
"was beat and killed by the ones who advocated that kind of God".