[Note: The following is a text reproduction of original FBI
SAC, Chicago (157-2209) January 7, 1969
Director, FBI (100-448006)
Although the Nation of Islam (NOI) does not presently advocate violence by its members, the group does preach hatred of the white race and racial separatism. The membership of the NOI is organized and poses a real racial threat. The NOI is responsible for the largest black nationalist newspaper, which has been used by other black extremists.
The NOI appears to be the personal fiefdom of Elijah Muhammad. When he dies a power struggle can be expected and the NOI could change direction. We should be prepared for this eventuality. We should plan how to change the philosophy of the NOI to one of the strictly religious and self-improvement orientation, deleting the race hatred and separate nationhood aspects. In this connection Chicago should consider what counterintelligence action might be needed now or at the time of Elijah Muhammad’s death to bring about such a change in NOI philosophy. Important considerations should include the identity, strengths, and weaknesses, of any contenders for NOI leadership. What are the positions of our [BUREAU DELETION] informants in regard to leadership? How could potential leaders be turned or neutralized?
The alternative to changing the philosophy of the NOI is the destruction of the organization. This might be accomplished through generating factionalism among the contenders for Elijah Muhammad’s leadership or through legal action in probate court on his death. Chicago should consider the question of how to generate the factionalism
necessary to destroy the NOI by splitting into several groups. [BUREAU DELETION]
IJD: ekw
One of the many major crimes committed during the treasonous regime of the hypocrites, was to remove the idea from the minds of the people, how critical Separation from the white man really is. The events that took place during the time of Malcolm’s fall absolutely had and still does have an adverse effect on those who claim to believe. What the fall brought into existence is the manifestation of the various groups, dividing into independent sects and even cult-like activities, while thinking they are somehow right and everyone else is wrong. I have no doubt that this was and is the will of Allah, to get this weakness of out the Black man that produced an enemy for himself over 6,000 years ago. In February 1965, during Saviour’s Day, The Messenger of Allah was offered an apology from his son, Wallace Muhammad. The Messenger said that he couldn’t accept his apology and it was up to the believers at that time to accept it. Who knew at the time, the wisdom that was housed in such a wicked and insincere apology? For, in ten years after that day, The National laborers pledged their allegiance to Wallace Muhammad and he brought about his own brand of devilishment. Almost to a man, the national laborers during that time turned over their own people to the white man, the real Devil.
Even today, the notion of Separation is absolutely rejected and despised by the clear majority of those who claim to believe. The lack of understanding and accepting Islam, The Supreme Wisdom Lessons, as answered and taught by Messenger Elijah Muhammad, along with the dividing into various sects, which cause the adherents to such to be blinded by Allah Himself, is the root cause of it all. During Wallace’s regime, everything that was led and established by Messenger Elijah Muhammad, was now taken! The farms, the universities, the Muhammad’s Temples of Islam, the Muhammad Speaks newspaper program, the businesses and the Military Training of the Men. What occurred after such a debacle, is the poison that is being administered to the many thousands and millions of unsuspecting black men, women and children who have come into the knowledge of Islam, after 1975, including the author of this book.
We were all given an interpretation when we were mere babies and couldn’t find anyone who could speak the Language. Nevertheless, a lot of great work and sacrifice was made by countless brothers and sisters to give each of us an introduction to Islam. It is up to you and I, today to keep the best part preserved for yourselves, since it was you and I who decided to make Islam our way of life. So, while I am writing these words, I do desire to acknowledge the good intentions of those believers who held on the best way they knew how. But, today, over forty years later, doing our best is not good enough, we must do what is Right and Exact, according to the Time. With that being said, what was not taken away is The Language! Thus, without a proper guidance system to unpacking The Language, the black nation will remain savage and it doesn’t matter how many rituals they participate in. What has happened is the independent sects, all have made it their duty and business to attempt to duplicate Messenger Elijah Muhammad, while being unable to unite and learn to be obedient to Black authority. This is a divine curse and an effect of the hypocrisy of Malcolm. Remember, it was Malcolm who defected and said he now speaks for himself from what he has analyzed and studied. I am sure that most of you are not realizing that you too, are functioning in the same manner, and the only remedy to fix this is to stop it at once and become Brothers holding hands at the Round Table. So, while the overwhelming majority of black people are paying lip service to the affinity, praise and worship of Malcolm, the community of The Black Muslims are absolutely adding to the confusion surrounding the events during his fall and the fall of The Nation in 1975. But still, this is a divine weapon used by Allah and His Messenger to rid the Nation of weaknesses, All Praise is due to Allah Master Fard Muhammad!
“The enemy, then, tried to stop every Muslim from helping the Apostle and said he should be killed. Then ALLAH Challenged the enemy to do so - to leave not a stone unturned in trying. This is in the 34 Problems that you have, if you understand. So this is what is meant by ALLAH taking, under Analysis, the Consideration of the Laborers in the near future. The student could practice his or her Labor while under study if they were sincere, and Submit themselves to Obey and Follow the Apostle. And it is written that all who Rebelled against the Apostle, ALLAH made it impossible for them to live in Peace until they would Submit.”
Taken from The Original Rules of Instructions
The ultimate aim of this world should be known to everyone, especially the righteous. We classify the righteous as being the people who belong to the right God, the God of righteousness, truth, freedom, justice and equality of the nation of righteousness.
Today, the so-called American Negroes must be resurrected and made to know and understand the fate of anyone who will follow or be deceived by the arch-deceivers.
The strongest and most powerful weapon the arch-deceivers have at their disposal is to deceive the world of righteousness (the Nation of Islam). They do not stop at the common, ignorant Muslims, but reach also for the scholars and scientists of Islam, who should be aware of their trickery and deceit.
We are in a world that is passing out of existence -- and she is putting up a fight (war) to destroy the nation of righteousness. Be aware! To try to oppose the success of Allah’s truth only hastens the doom of falsehood and its teachers.
The world of evil makes its first attack on the world of righteousness, thereby clearly showing herself as being the enemy of righteousness. When she thinks she has built up a strong enough force to attack the righteous, she does so which, as I said before, hastens her own doom. Falsehood cannot be victorious over the truth in the day of truth. The resurrection is a day of truth. The resurrection is a day of truth, as it triumphs over falsehood.
The archdeceivers force war against themselves. Their ultimate aim is to do as their people always have done -- try to destroy the preacher of truth and those who believe and follow him. This was the aim of Cain when he slew his brother, Abel, and the aim of the dragon when he sought to destroy the woman (the Messenger), as it is written in Revelations 12:4.
The lost-found members of that nation should be taught to know the ultimate aim of this world. God has visited them, and has prepared a teacher (in myself) to teach them, thereby making it easy for them to understand and recognize this world and its secret, ultimate aim. It is even given in the Bible, in Revelations 12:9. There it speaks of the members belonging to the righteous nation, and shows that through deceit, Satan causes them to become as himself -- against the truth, peace, justice, safety and security one would enjoy if he only were not deceived.
Under deceit, the weak minded -- who have no understanding or knowledge of the archdeceiver (the devil, satan) -- are made preys in the hands of the archdeceiver. This will bring about war as a showdown between the God of righteousness and the God of unrighteousness (the devil). It already has begun.
God must fulfill His promise to show Himself as God over all the powers of heaven and earth, and men on earth. As it is written (Thessalonians 2:9), "He comes after the workings of Satan." Satan has been given the power, knowledge and authority to deceive as many as he could before the appearance of God or the universal manifestation of the presence of God. He was given this power in the beginning, according to Chapter 2 and 7 of the Holy Qur’an, and according to the Bible in Genesis 1:26, Revelations 6:4,8, and Revelations 12:3,4.
We have known all our lives that the devil was a great deceiver, an enemy of God; and that he wished to be the victor, with his knowledge of superior arts in deceiving the people of God.
He desires to cast them down, disgrace them and make them accept his deceit before the very face of God in the general resurrection of the dead.
The so-called American Negroes -- as I have repeatedly taught in my articles, sermons and lectures to my people -- are the spiritually dead. They have been touched and paralyzed to death by the archdeceiver through his missionary teachings, his literature, his personal conversation and by accepting his advice.
God has given to me a very strong and invincible truth that will defend, protect and prevent you from falling victim to the arch-deceiver. Read these, and treasure them; they are your life. Ignore them, and it is your death.