There's much to see here. So, take your time, look around, and learn all there is to know about us. We hope you enjoy our site and take a moment to drop us a line.
In the Name of Allah, who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, to whom all praise is forever due; and in the name of His Last and Greatest Messenger, the Great Elijah Muhammad (PBUH).
As Salaam Alaikum brothers and sisters,
We thank each of you for taking the time to visit our website. While we understand how the name can seem very strange, we believe that to call our "Temple", Muhammad's Temple of Islam, would be wrong and incorrectly attributing something in the name of Messenger Elijah Muhammad, without his consent. Messenger Elijah Muhammad did not approve of Temples being opened in His name, without his approval. Messenger Muhammad built an actual Nation within a Nation and with that, he had processes, policies and procedures in place to insure the precise and accurate presentation of The Supreme Wisdom of Master Fard Muhammad, Allah in Person, to whom all praise is forever due. Besides, all of the Muhammad's Temples of Islam, were under the banner of the Leadership of Elijah Muhammad, Last Messenger of Allah. The various independent temples today are not in such condition of Brotherhood and Unity, and it is our strongest desire to put forth the best effort possible to bring about a true united front. We don't want to dwell on the incorrectness as much as we want to look for the solutions.
As you may or may not be aware of, the Lost Found Nation of Islam in the west took a mighty fall in 1975, and there have been and still are numerous futile attempts to put it back as it once was. These attempts will never produce success, due to the dividing up into various sects and even cults under self-appointed leaders, for one, and for two, ONLY the Last Messenger of Allah could have accomplished what he achieved. It was his job and his job ONLY!
Our job is to do something else. You will learn more about this as you become acquainted with our work here. Islam, as taught by Messenger Elijah Muhammad is the only solution to solve the various and very complex problems that exists in the black community.
While we are introducing you to the teachings of Islam, as taught by Messenger Elijah Muhammad, we are here to focus on the very important aspect of land, Separation, Independence and Freedom. We understand how any perceived change, can be viewed as a deviation from the original script by those who are very shallow in understanding. We are not attempting to change anything, NOTHING.
As a matter of FACT, the ACTUAL change began to take place on February 26, 1975. So, we are merely attempting to hold fast to the one area of Islam, which we believe will be the catalyst for our ultimate Survival here in the wilderness of North America and that is separation, along with a National Registry (to be discussed later). As you continue to participate with us at the Round Table of Brotherhood and Sisterhood, you will learn that our Mathematical Theology will prove us correct, all praise is due to Allah. There are classes set up that are designed to get you further acclimated in your potential role as a Student enrolled in The University of Islam.
Despite the lack of a united front in the Black Muslim community, we give you our word that we will make as many attempts as possible to unite with those who only declare belief in Master Fard Muhammad as Allah in Person and Elijah Muhammad as His Last Messenger, if they are interested. Our Temple was birthed from our National Brotherhood and we have discovered that Brotherhood at the root level is the greatest way to achieve true Unity, no matter how difficult it may be.
We also understand that much in-fighting and viciousness has taken place between the various independent groups, calling themselves The Nation of Islam. LET ME MAKE THIS VERY CLEAR, this is a PUNISHMENT on the entire Black Nation, due to the rejection of Messenger Elijah Muhammad and the Truth of our salvation.
Now, a few more words on unity and I will bring this to a close. Unity is something that many of us desire, from our throats, but not from our brains and actions. This is what Allah in the Holy Quran refers to as "LIP PROFESSION". Unity is the result of many components being brought forth and put together in a very Mathematical and logical expression. Unity does not sit out there by itself, just because we may desire it.
Unity, along with love and trust, MUST BE BUILT, and since it must be built, this means that We don't have it! As a newcomer searching for the Truth, you are just as vital in this work as those of us that believe and possess more time, knowledge, wisdom and understanding than you. WE are taught in Islam, there are NO BIG "I's" and no little "u's". So, in this time of the general resurrection, you will easily find the purpose and meaning of why you are allowed to come into such a beautiful opportunity as becoming a believer in Islam, as taught by Messenger Elijah Muhammad. Islam is not our religion, but the very nature of us. Though it was given to us "as a religion", it is not a religion.
Frankly, for the overwhelming majority of us, our Unity does not exist outside of our rituals. While these rituals are necessary and are there for purification, the end game is SEPARATION, period.
We hold regular meetings each Sunday at 2PM in Richmond, Virginia in addition to teleconference access for those who wish to participate from wherever they are. After each lecture, I encourage us to take part in a "Round Table" Discussion to bring about an overall "spirit" of Brotherhood and Sisterhood, which is Islam in its purest form. You are also encouraged to have as much participation in your given area as you wish. For example, if you live in Baton Rouge or St. Louis or Houston or New York, I don't think there is no harm in inviting guests to your home or a place to convene, to take part in our meetings by way of our teleconference line. THINK OUTSIDE OF THE BOX......outside of any physical buildings, calling itself Temples. Remember, Messenger Muhammad said that "you will be a Temple yourself". If you are not that as of yet, then you best be on your way to achieve such lofty status, all praise is due to Allah.
Soon, we will be conducting more detailed business meetings, once a week on a day to be determined, to move out on the information that is being given during Sundays. These meetings will available to Registered Muslims only. If you are not Registered, and wish to get Registered, please contact us directly using my email: do4selfacademy1@gmail.com or you may contact Brother Benjamin Shabazz at 804-247-0944 and he will give you further and a more detailed instructions on getting joined up with the Muslims. There is so much we need to teach you and even more that we ourselves need to learn. Therefore, your joining up with the Black Muslims will provide a greater tomorrow for the children in our Nation. All Praise is due to Allah!
We are actively seeking out those who are willing to join up, unite and help us in this work of building an independent civilization for ourselves. Frankly, it is our only chance for survival!
As Salaam Alaikum
Brother Jasir H. Khabir
Teacher of Islam
As Salaam Alaikum,
In the Name of Allah, who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad to whom all holy Praise is forever due, and in the name of His Last and Greatest Messenger, the great Elijah Muhammad,
Dear brothers and sisters, we are now living in the time that Elijah Muhammad warned us about; it is a time of intense regret, mental confusion and the manifestation of the consequences of rejection. In fact, all of Allah’s messengers and prophets warned the people they were sent to or from whom they were raised among, that a great and terrible time would appear at the end of the rule of the peace breakers. We cannot deny that we are in such a dreadful time for those who has and will continue to fall victim to the civilization of our collective enemy. This enemy was given a time to rule for a period of only six thousand years and now it should be very amplified that his time is up.
What we are witnessing is the destruction of a world to make room for a New World! To deny these facts is to give in to our enemy’s desire to get us to participate in his destruction. Here we are as almost fifty million people here in America, still walking around as if we are totally without an Aim and Purpose, and this aimlessness if not checked, will bring about our demise. Of course, there is a great opportunity awaiting the wide-awake black man, when he recognizes the truth. The truth will save our lives and allow us to build a new civilization, that is if we believe in the truth. When we fail to lay hold to the truth, it shows that we love the enemy and his world of evil and filth, sport and play.
Here we are in the midst of a pandemic here in America and throughout the world, yet we still are ignoring the signs of danger, due to the fact that we still want to hold on to that which is destined to be removed from our planet. We as a people are the seed of Abraham and having been lost here in America while serving these strange people in chattel and mental slavery. Yet, the book you claim to believe in, clearly teaches you the word of Allah (God) through His divine representatives that He Allah would judge that nation that has captivated the seed of Abraham. He further promises that He alone would separate us from said enemy and then destroy the enemy wherever this enemy temporarily exists. Many times, we fail to recognized just who this God is and in doing so we fail to recognize the enemy of Allah (God). Why? It is because you and I have been reared to be a most illiterate people and this ignorance keeps us a tool and also a slave to the Devil (the white man) and his world. His world is unalike and has an attracting power over all that he comes in contact with and this is why it appears that his world is too powerful to overtake.
Does not your bible which has been terribly misunderstood, teaches you and I that The Son of Man will come as in the Days of Noah? Well, this is such a sign; it is a sign that is gargantuan and well-lit today. What is Noah’s claim to fame biblically? Noah built an Ark to remove the people of Allah before the flood came according to the bible. Again, these are signs of that which is to come- they are not just historical components but Lessons that we must learn in order to recognize this Coming of God to Gather His people. Why can’t we recognize Him? Why can’t we recognize the enemy? The answer is simple, yet elusive due to our capacity to see this Light of truth being blotted out due to our believing in falsehood for so long. Furthermore, anyone who teaches us the truth, we label said person as one who teaches hate. Who did this to us? What kind of people would keep another people subjected to such cunning and sly constructs of slavery? I am here to tell you from the mouth of Allah and His Messenger, that we are dealing with the real Devil in this white man. He is the real Devil and there is no good in any of them by nature. I know this is extremely difficult for you to accept because you depend on the white man’s world for your sustenance. This dependency will allow you and I to remain mental slaves and eventually we will go down with this demonic enemy if we do not learn how to do something for ourselves in the way of building up our own civilization. But before we can build our own, we must get the proper knowledge of self or we will only make an attempt to build that which we learned from the knowledge of the made man who is the white man.
At this present moment here in America, black people are making attempts to get out of the way and that is a great thing. However, without this proper knowledge, as said previously, you are only going to try and duplicate that which is to be removed by Allah (God). We MUST have a New thing, a new knowledge to bring into existence a completely New People. This new people are us, the black man here in America who is the base, the object. We are the object of Allah to be saved and we are also the object of the devil to be destroyed with him. Thus, we are instructed to not be conformed to this world and to take on a renewing of our minds, along with performing a duty or reasonable service. Mr. Muhammad on September 17, 1972:
“I am a Messenger. I have a message to deliver to you from the Lord of the World. We need professional people to get going. Get going on what? To get going on building us a world of our own. We want a world of our own. We need professional people to get started with that world. I no long longer want the world that I was in. I want my own world. I don’t you to be absorbed or immersed in the world that you can’t get out of it to build you one of your own. Looking forward to the white man for everything, this was conditioned in us we were babies. This is why it’s so hard to get you to do something for yourself. It is because you have always depended on the white man. You let him take care for self, and you did nothing but play like children. This thing MUST be stopped and the only way to get it to stop is to STOP IT YOURSELF.”
Let us examine the above decree and compare it to what is written in the Bible. Though the bible has been tampered with, there is much truth in it if you understand what you are reading.
Romans 12:1-2: “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And BE NOT CONFORMED TO THIS WORLD: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect Will of God”.
So, brothers and sisters there you have it! Is it possible to have such a transformation when our minds are constantly being conformed to THIS WORLD? We need a world of our own and it is imperative that we get started now. The religious preachers and teachers have failed you so why not allow the 5% poor Righteous teachers to teach you on the reality of the True and Living God?
As Salaam Alaikum
Brother Jasir H. Khabir
Poor Righteous Teacher
The Do4Self Academy Temple of Islam
Brother Jasir H. Khabir
"We must organize ourselves in small groups that we may build trust, love and unity. Also, it is imperative that we take our young people far away from the world of Babylon and teach them by offering courses in the Supreme Wisdom of Master Fard Muhammad through His Messenger Elijah Muhammad. We must be able to teach and train them the True meaning of Freedom and we must commit to performing this task for a few hundred years. Trust me, it is our only chance for survival."
Jasir H. Khabir