Since we have been on the Planet 66 trillion years and Master W.D. Fard Muhammad is only 70 years old, then He was not yet born at the time of Jesus' birth.
1. Who was ALLAH before M.D. Fard Muhammad?
2. How did W.D. Fard Muhammad come to be ALLAH, THE SUPREME BEING?
3. Who was ALLAH when Jesus was born?
Answer in short as given by Our Apostle, Mr. Elijah Muhammad as of 8/21/47
First, our being on the Planet Earth is not known in years, we have no beginning or ending, meaning our Nation. The sixty-six (66) trillion years that we have been taught is the time since our departure from the moon, and not the beginning of us. MASTER W.D. FARD MUHAMMAD is only seventy (70) years old, and was not born before the time of Jesus is true.
Now How Did He Come to be ALLAH?
First, we all are ALLAH, but MASTER W.D. FARD MUHAMMAD is SUPREME over all of us is referred to all times as the SUPREME BEING. He is SUPREME over all other beings, because HIS WISDOM, KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING and POWER to destroy and reproduce and create another Universe or make a people, makes HIM GREATER than all, and is WISER than those before HIM even He who created this Universe, because this ONE is able to reproduce or destroy it, or bring in one better, so says the Holy Qur-an.
Who was ALLAH Before MASTER W.D. FARD MUHAMMAD was born? Who was ALLAH when Jesus was born?
Now there are twelve (12) Imams or Scientists, who have been ruling all the time, and one of the twelve is always greater than the other eleven (11), but the God of this world before the birth of Jesus and up until 1877 was Yakub. That means that the God of this world, Yakub, although he lived only 152 years, has ruled for the last six thousand (6,000) years; therefore, he was in power when Jesus was born, and that is why Jesus wasn't able to set up His Kingdom, because the wicked God's time was not up. A people who have been taught that the SUPREME BEING is other than a Being, something spooky-like, it is not so easy for them to see out of that dark and ignorant teaching into reality.
"Let us give praise for the coming of our God, Allah, Who came in the person of Master Fard Muhammad, and whom our enemies persecuted and ordered out of the country. His power they cannot persecute and drive out. Neither persecution, evil spoken, nor death will stop this truth that shall make you free which I have received from the very mouth of Allah (God); for it is time that the dead (so-called Negroes) should know the truth and accept their own place among their own kind in the holy nation of Islam.
This is the time. There never will be any peace among the nations of earth until the so-called Negroes have heard the truth and those who accept it are separated and placed in the paradise of their God, Allah. The so-called American Negroes, with their God, Allah, shall become the universal rulers, believe it or not. They can do it now if they will quit this slavery religion called Christianity. No Black people who accept Christianity will ever be free. You automatically become the servant of the white race and not of God upon accepting their religion. The so-called Negroes, with their leaders, should come out of it into their own religion; but they cannot until they first have a thorough knowledge of self and others."